
Mittwoch, 15. Februar 2017

Union Island

240müM (baconrolls on the top)

There are our boats on anchor

Troels from Denmak (we've met Dec 15 in Al Jadida Marocco the first time and now again in Grenada!)

Little Swim

Little Friend

Let's kite

Grap them by the See Eggs

Aufgang (0630am)


The Pixies 1986

Dienstag, 31. Januar 2017

Richtung Norden

Vorfreude aufs Ankerbier

Dragon Bay



Anderi Kollegin (Shirley)

Oh oh, da hätt ich besser etwas früher mal nachgeschaut...

wohlverdientes Nickerchen

Sonntag, 22. Januar 2017

Good Waves

Good Fellas (except one, guess witch one.. (as well these kind of pirates around) I've just escaped! 

Noodling (every morning at 8!)

Hog Island 


Welcome to the jungle..

Every Thursday pool 

Silvio, Marina on the Spot (get the f..... bolds out!)

Good Waves Today